
Scenario XP/RP Guide

Many players wonder how exactly the Renown Points and Experience is awarded in scenarios, and for a good reason. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try you get low XP/RP, while other times you'll enter the scenario halfway through, throw a couple of heals and get the most XP. This quick guide should answer some of your questions and teach you how to get more XP and RP. It's written with a Runepriest in mind, but most of the tactics can be used by any career.

I'm going to keep this short and simple, as there is a lot of misconceptions about how these two values are calculated. I gathered this data through testing and playing over 250 scenarios and accumulating around 11,000 RvR kills on a Runepriest! For the classes I list, assume the true is the same for the Destruction equivs. I am a Runepriest, so I will post some of my general farming tips and strategies for that class.

I've joined a match with only 7 minutes left to go, only to have 1,500 more Renown then anyone else in the entire match. I've joined matches late and earned the most RP/XP out of everyone in the scenario. Farming XP/RP is pretty straight forward, there is no complex math involved or crazy weird mechanics for calculating it. After reading this, you should be able to go out there and maximize your farmtr0n.

Experience Breakdown:

Experience (XP) is gained through kills and kills only. You do not gain XP for doing objectives, healing people, or damaging them. You gain much more XP for getting the killing blow, and even more XP if you get a solo kill.

To get a 'kill', you either need to be near the person when someone in your Team kills them, OR, you kill them, OR, you need to 'tag' them for death, aka, do any amount of damage to them atleast once. When they die, even if it's 10 minutes later, you will be credited for the kill. If you're a Runepriest, it's important to lay some of your crappy dots, or AoE dot, on enemies, just to 'tag' them for kills. By doing this as an RP, you can easily tie the lead for kills on your team, despite not really doing anything to anyone.

XP is ratio'd to your level. The higher level you are, the more XP you'll get out of the final XP pool for your team (more on this later). So if you find yourself 'doing' better then other players in your scenario but getting less XP, it's probably because they were 1) higher level then you, or 2) in a better team then you which earned more pool XP.

You also gain a Win XP bonus at the end. Currently a Tier 3 Win gives me 8,500 XP. I do not know the rates for the other Tiers.

Renown Breakdown:

Renown (RP) is gained by getting kills, killing people, and solo-killing people. You also gain it through healing people other then yourself. The general forumula for Renown from heals is the amount you healed the player for divided by 100 (rounded down). So if you heal someone for 370, you will get a +3 RP update. So if you are a Runepriest, having HoT's all over the place is pretty important for farming Renown. If someone falls into the lava, thank whoever knocked them there, and then spend all your AP healing them with Grungi's Gift untill they die. You'll get quite the RP for it, I promise

Much like XP, Renown is pooled for your team and split between you at the end of the match. It is not scaled to your level, so if you are low level, you can still farm high amounts of RP and beat out high levels on the final score chart.

You also gain a Win RP bonus at the end. Currently a Tier 3 Win gives me 600 RP. I do not know the rates for the other Tiers.

Team Breakdown (IMPORTANT):

Experience (XP) and Renown (RP) is shared with your team. If you play in your own team, you keep all the xp/rp you earn. If you suck at earning xp/rp, you'll want to join a team with xp/rp farmers (Runepriests & Brightwizards). If you are a Runepriest or Brightwizard, you probably will want to be in your very own team. Runepriests can't kill anyone, so you'll get crap XP, but you'll get the most Renown out of any class. My RP can farm 4,000 RP in a scenario, but I'll usually get less then 2,000 XP! My friends Brightwizard can farm 20,000 XP in a scenario, and also farm 4,000 RP as well. BW's are the scenario farming champs if they go solo, however, this is only true if they have a dedicated Runepriest in another team healing them.

Remember, everything you earn is shared with your team, and everything they earn is shared with you. If you are on a team and you are the best player in terms of earnings, this will work to your disadvantage. If you are a Brightwizard or Runepriests, try to get on to teams with other BW's and RP's. If you're on a team with nothing but tanks and melee, and they're higher level then you, they'll get 80% of everything you earn, leaving you with nothing much to brag about.

There are 5 teams available to join during a match. You can change teams at any time during the match by click on the White Flag button on your screen. You're usually put on Team 1 or 2, sometimes 3 if it's a full match (most players I've seen is 18 per side, aka 3 teams of 6 players per side). If you want to try solo, leave your Team and join an empty one like Team 4 or Team 5.

And that about wraps up the guide. To farm high XP/RP, you generally need to run strats different then strats needed to win the match, so you will need to find a nice balance between maximum farm-mode and win-mode, as winning in itself gives huge XP/RP bonuses. So don't exactly throw a match just to farm a bit of XP or RP, as it'll not be close to the bonuses you get from winning. However, if you already are going to lose, might as well stop playing to win and start playing to farm.

Thanks to Kuntz for sharing this! If you're looking for an awesome Warhammer strategy guide, check out Goblin's guide.


Shaman PvP Guide

This guide took a lot longer then I expected, I figured about a week, however it has been about two weeks. I wanted to make sure I did not make any mistakes with the Shaman as I am not heal spec'ed like most people believe I should be.

The first thing I wanted to make sure of before writing a guide is that I was at least in tier three, this is easily made with the Shaman, as he is almost in tier four:

I also wanted enough actual PvP experience, so my second goal was to participate in at least 1k kills, since I am approaching 3k that was no problem at all:

The Good:

Extremely versatile class, switching damage dealing to full healer in the switch of slotted tactics. Decent survivability for a healing class. The ability to leech AP really extends the power that the class can deal, either by healing or damage dealing.

The Bad:

While I can deal out decent healing, I cannot even think about coming close to a virgin heal spec'ed Zealot, I believe this would still be true even if I went with a virgin heal build on the Shaman.

The Ugly:

Face it, you are a goblin! There are only two Goblin classes in WAR, healer and ranged DPS, both of these are prime targets for enemy players. When they see a Goblin, they look for a staff or bow and react accordingly. The only class that gets more focus fired upon then my Shaman is my WE. When you notice your front line starting to collapse, you need to MOVE ASAP.

Decent Skills:

'Ere we Go' = Adds damage to your groups next attack. This is probably the skill that I really need to use more of, instant and useful. If you are in "heal mode" and you have no targets that need healed, this is the first spell you should fire off.(Assuming you are in a full group)

Yer not so bad = Leeches your current target for AP and gives that AP to yourself. Awesome skill here with a short cool down. You should pop this anytime your AP gets close to 50%, and then just mana burn.(I guess in WAR mana burn would actually be "AP burn")

Brain Bursta = this is your staple damage spell, nothing special however, it is mostly used in PvE.

Big Waaagh = This has a short cool down and should be one of your second most used spells anytime you are in "damage mode" in PvP.

Life Leaka = instant and modified by a slotted tactic ability in damage mode. At level 29 the tactic removes 150 Willpower and 150 Intelligence for 15 seconds. Useful against healers and nukers, if they are not attacking you they are attacking your teammates, so it is always useful.

Bunch o' Waaagh = Channeled damage, this is my "thought you could run" spell. I always use this when my target has 20% or less of their health. Usually noob players(Yes, there are a decent amount of noobs or unskilled players in PvP in tier three) always try to run away way too late.

Da Waaagh is coming = this attacks acts like a "chain lighting" attack in Diablo 2. Hits one target then branches out to hit two more and branches one other time to hit yet another two targets. ONLY use this when you are hitting someone that has 4-6 people around them. It is an extremely inefficient spell if you only have one target that is alone.

Eeeek = Knocks back EVERYONE within it's range, and also knocks you in a random direction. Awesome ability, however it will cost you your life if used often in places like Tor Anroc.(It is still usually worth it however) You cannot predict which direction you will be knocked in, however you will know where your enemies are going. If you line up face to face they will be knocked straight back, line up to their left and they will be knocked back far to their right. Think of you as a "gallon of water", when you click the ability the "gallon" hits the surface of the water and a wave goes out, originating in the middle, that "wave" is your knock-back and is exactly how this spell works.

Mork's Buffer = This is an hour long buff that adds to all resists for an hour,(For your whole group) you really need to get in the habit of using this automatically anytime after you die and are brought back to life.

Gather Round = What "seems" to be a lobie group heal. Costs a really expensive 65 AP! I have noticed however then when slotted for healing,(tactics = Plus to WP and plus to % to crit heal) it does a very decent heal, as much as 250% of the heal listed in the tooltip. Using this spell if you are damage spec'ed is a total waste.

Bigger, Better, An' Greener = greatly interruptible direct heal spell. You really will not use this a lot. You should use your shield and your big HOT, before this is even thought about. The ability bar does get knocked back quite a bit if you take any damage while trying to use this ability.

Bleed Fer' Me = instant, 24 second low damage DOT spell, however it does heal your defensive target for the full amount. I only use this if I know the enemy target is going to be alive for awhile.(Such as a tank class) It does help quite a bit if you have already used your shield and big HOT, and you are under attack. Of course if you are not under attack, simply use "Bigger, Better, An' Greener".

Gork'll Fix It = A small direct heal with a little better HOT for 9 seconds. Use this instead of "Bigger, Better, An' Greener", if you are under attack.

'Ey, Quit Bleedin = a 30 AP spell that heals for 1130 over 15 seconds at level 29. This will be your most used spell, whether you are healing or doing damage. If you are tactic slotted for healing, this will do an average of about 1500 over 15 seconds making it heal 100 health every second on average.

Don't Feel Nothing = instant shield that mitigates 500 damage at level 29. Another very commonly used ability.

General Notes:

I really have two "modes" for my Shaman, I must choose one before I enter PvP. I either choose "damage mode" or "healing mode". If in damage mode I slot "Divine Fury"(Adds 25% more damage at the cost of 20% of your healing power) and "Leaky Brainz".(Life Leaka will now also reduce your target's WP and INT by 150 for 15 seconds) If I am in healing mode I slot "Discipline" (Raises WP by 116) and "Extra Special Mushrooms".(Raises your chance to crit heal by 10%)

As I have said before I was a little concerned that by doing a damage build, I would actually greatly gimp my healing abilities, this turned out to be incorrect. A Zealot, spec'ing in healing and being a dedicated healer in a PvP scenario usually averages between 70k and 100k in healing. Being damage spec'ed and entering a PvP scenario slotted for healing and with nothing on my mind but healing, I usually average between 40k and 60k in healing.(Not as good as a Zealot, but certainly not gimped.)

Since I am a "must win at any cost" type of player, sometimes I find myself in a PvP scenario where I must continuously utilize my abilities, such as running up to the Order and Eeeek'ing them, forcing them to take a lava bath.(In Tor Anroc) Since I am not a noob and know how to play my class, I can also use my Shaman as a utility toon such as flag/bauble holder. I try to do what the team needs to win, whether it is healing, damage, or utility.


Magus Builds

We are going to go with a mid-range build here. Your three top stats will be:

  • Intelligence = adds to magic damage

  • Wounds = adds to hit points

  • Willpower = adds to "chance to disrupt" enemy spells

The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points awarded for RvR, however we will not use them here)

15 in "Changing"
Buy the following skills in the Changing tree for one point each:
  • Seed of Chaos

  • Endless Pandemonium

  • Indigo Fire of Change

  • Wild Changing

  • Dissolving Mist

  • Daemonic Scream

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Infernal Pain".

The last 4 points will be put in "Daemonology". Any additional points should also be placed in "Daemonology", In this tree you want to pick up the "Chaotic Attunement" skill for one point.

80 RvR points to be placed in:

  • Acumen level 1 = 1 point

  • Acumen level 2 = 3 points

  • Acumen level 3 = 6 points

  • Acumen level 4 = 10 points

  • Acumen level 5 = 14 points

  • Resolve level 1 = 1 point

  • Resolve level 2 = 3 points

  • Sage level 1 = 2 points

  • Sage level 2 = 4 points

  • Sage level 3 = 6 points

  • Focused Power level 1 = 5 points

  • Focused Power level 2 = 10 points

  • Focused Power level 3 = 15 points

This was rather a difficult build for me as I wanted to go short range, however the survivability was just not there in PvP. If I wanted long range DPS I would play a Sorc, so I took the middle road with this build.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

  • Level 1 = Mage Bolt

  • Level 2 = Roiling Winds

  • Level 3 = Scintillating Energy

  • Level 4 = Daemonic Scream

Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would change each group depending on what situation you are in. One for PvP Group, one for PvP Solo, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my choice for a "PvP Group":

  • Chaotic Attunement

  • Endless Pandemonium

  • Devour Energy

  • Wild Changing

Build Strength:

Very decent PvP utility abilities

In a PvP group you will really help out here with this mid-range build, and since it is medium range, you will have a little better survival rate then a short range build. Instantly summoning pets,(Taking time to summon pets in PvP really kicks me in the butt) the knock back of Warping Blast, the 50% chance to freely instantly reapply Pandemonium, and Indigo Fire of Change(if you kill an enemy with this, they become a daemon and attack their own kind for 30 seconds) all bring quite a bit of utility to this Magus in PvP. This is not going to be as easy to play as some other classes, however the extra power and utility are worth it if you have the patience to learn the class.

Build Weakness:

It has a sharper learning curve then other classes, especially with a build like this.(You cannot just sit back and spam click two or three buttons.) You are still a paper wearing class so you CANNOT allow melee classes to close with you.


Witch Elf Career Overview

The Witch Elf dances with death, wielding her two daggers with an ease borne of ultimate confidence and her faith in Khaine. Don't get to close, as those blades bite with more than just their sharpened edge. This lady carries with her deadly poisons that she applies in battle, weakening the enemy's defenses and boiling his blood. Before he knows she is there, she emerges from the shadows and inflicts multiple debilitating wounds.

The longer she fights, the better she becomes as she builds up a pool of Blood Lust. The more Blood Lust she holds, the more damage her attacks deal out as she focuses her strength in one giant blow. Always on the move, looking for any weakness in the enemy's defenses, the Witch Elf never stands still.

  • Quick and penetrating damage

  • Attacks have potential to ignore armor

  • Stealthed movement and sneak attacks
  • Action Points pool runs out quickly

  • Light armor means battles must end quickly

  • Heavily dependent on potions

PvE Overview
A Witch Elf is an expert in quick and dirty fighting. Her poisons are her strength, and often several different Damage Over Time abilities can stack to more effectively eat away at the enemy's health. One on One battles should be chosen carefully. A Witch Elf will need to be able to kill the target quickly, or risk taking more damage than her Light (almost nothing!) Armor can protect her from. She will always be using her Action Points pool, and as such will want to carry yellow potions to replenish them quickly, along with health restorers for the longer fights.

RvR Overview
The Witch Elf shines in a group attack. With another to hold the attention of their foes, she is free to move behind the forces of Order, utilizing her strongest abilities from behind. Her expertise with poisons and debuffs creates vulnerabilities that her warband can take advantage of. She benefits her comrades further with her ability to severe a magic user's connection to their magic, and with a skill to regenerate the group's Action Points. With no specific taunts and Light Armor besides, the Witch Elf's place is to aid the tank.

Witch Elf Mastery Paths
Path of Carnage: The Path of Carnage is mainly concerned with quickly and directly slaughtering anything that presents itself to the Witch Elf. Eschewing subtlety, a specialist in this path prefers to confront her enemies face-to-face...or at least, face-to-what's-left-of-their-face.

Path of Suffering: The Path of Suffering focuses more on effects that linger for some time, and a master in this path takes pleasure in leading her victims into a false sense of security. While her attacks may not seem dangerous at first, it's only moments later that the Witch Elf's enemy suddenly realizes that their death is imminent and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

Path of Treachery: The Path of Treachery appeals to those Witch Elves who prefer to stalk their prey, attacking when the target is unsuspecting. A master of this path performs best in the thick of large, chaotic combats, where her victims are kept busy and unsuspecting, and she prefers to strike the enemy at their unprotected flanks.


Marauder Career Overview

Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of the weak-bodied souls of the Order more than the grotesque vision of the Chaos Marauder charging towards them. Thought to be blessed by their Gods, these ferocious creatures fight in the name of faith and do so mercilessly. Their strength lends them the ability to cleave through enemies thoughtlessly and their corrupted mutations give power that go beyond mortal capability.

This melee DPS class is not only a blast to play, but also extremely capable in RvR and PvE combat. You'll find the mutations add, not only a distinct splash of flavor, but also an aspect of gameplay that can become a valuable asset when mastered. If you are looking for a hands on damage focused Destruction class, the Marauder is a perfect option.

  • Hands on DPS makes for great close contact battle

  • Mutations allow for amazing damage and variety of playstyle

  • Fast and harsh damage plows through enemies at a high pace

  • Medium armor means weaker defenses

  • High damage makes this class a primary target on the battlefield

  • Mutations take some knowledge of class to be properly effective

PvE Overview
The Marauder plays well in the PvP environment whether you go at it solo or hang with a group. Regardless of how you play, the very first order of business is getting to know your mutations. These "buffs" are key in your success as a player and having the right mutation for the right circumstance can be invaluable.

This class has the great benefit of being a powerful melee DPS class and still being able to take a hit, just don't be the target for long because it won't last!

RvR Overview
Prepare for a fight because this class will always be right in the fray of battle! Being a solid DPS class, the Marauder has the unfortunate trouble of being a focus of Order attacks. They want you gone and they want you gone now. The benefit of this class though is the various mutation allow for somewhat of a change up in technique that will keep the opposition on their toes.

Use your tank as your distraction then go in with the mind of playing aggressively and unpredictably. Your best line of defense will always be to kill them before they even know you were coming.

Marauder Mastery Paths

Path of Brutality: The Path of Brutality is focused around the Marauder's ability to warp his arm into a sharpened spike of bone. This blade-like appendage can deal horrifying injuries to an enemy, and a player specialized deeply in Brutality will likely be dealing the most damage possible against a single enemy, especially if the foe is distracted by others.

Path of Savagery: The Path of Savagery leads to a Marauder changing their arm into a monstrous claw, capable of tearing at enemies to cripple and hinder them while they quickly bleed to death. While perhaps not dealing as much immediately obvious damage as his other mutations, a master of Savagery kills his enemies in a more insidious way, weakening the target steadily so that they never realize just how much danger they're in until it's already too late.

Path of Monstrosity: The Path of Monstrosity focuses on the Marauder mutating their arm into a hideous club-like bludgeon of flesh and gore. The master of Monstrosity can use the massive bulk of their warped arm to defend themselves somewhat, and can sweep their limb around in broad, arcing swings, capable of damaging several enemies with each single smash.

Learn more about Marauder career!


Warhammer Online Character Attributes

Here's a breakdown of basic character attributes (stats) in Warhammer Online to help you figure out what kind of items you should be aiming at:


Increases your melee damage and makes it harder for enemies to parry or block your attacks.

Increases your chances to disrupt hostile spells and increases all healing you do.

Reduces the damage you take from all sources.

Increases your maximum hitpoints.

Increases your chance to dodge ranged attacks and makes it more difficult for enemies to critically hit you.

Increases your chances to parry melee attacks and allows your melee attacks to bypass a portion of the enemy's armor.

Increases your ranged damage and makes it harder for your enemies to block or dodge your ranged attacks.

Increases your magical damage and makes it harder for enemies to disrupt or block your attacks.

Dwarf Ironbreaker Overview

The Ironbreaker willingly and gladly positions himself in the front lines during battle and holds Grudges against those who harm his allies. In this way, he manages to simultaneously epitomize the role of the tank without being a boring warrior that can only try to control aggro and wait for his friends to do the rest of the work. Despite a disposition that is gruff, quarrelsome and taciturn, the Ironbreaker is your best friend on the field of battle. He is easy to spot in his gleaming and ornately adorned gromril armor. The Ironbreaker often carries a massive shield as well.

  • The ability to take great damage and get stronger because of it.

  • Oathfriend can make any group last longer when things go bad.

  • An integral part in a winning RvR team.

  • So powerful in RvR that they can be targeted over healers.

  • Low DPS depending on build.

  • Grudges take time, which makes the Ironbreaker a slow starter.

PvE Overview
Ironbreakers are an asset to any group because of their stalwart defenses and the effect their Grudges have on a battle. Most groups will lean on the Ironbreaker as the main tank over a Swordmaster--if for no other reason--because of the Ironbreakers Oathfriend ability. When the Ironbreaker uses this buff on a healer or melee DPS who frequently draws aggro, the entire group's chances of survival increase.

Ironbreakers who specialize in the path of Vengeance will be able to contribute a fair amount of damage to a single foe, but the Ironbreaker truly shines when he concentrates on pure tanking (Path of Stone) or bolstering his allies (Path of Brotherhood).

RvR Overview
The roles of the Ironbreaker in RvR play is to break enemy lines and to keep distance between the forces of Destruction and her allies. She is hearty enough to survive the assault of several foes at once long enough to disrupt enemy formations, and a Ironbreaker with a reliable healer can outlast many foes.

Ironbreakers who are not focused on damage through the Path of Vengeance may not get many kills, but they'll be able to make the forces of Order last longer as their taunts in RvR battles cause enemy attacks to become less effectively against everyone except for the Ironbreaker. Combine that knowledge with an understanding of Oathfriend and the Path of Stone, and they day could very well belong to Order.

Ironbreaker Mastery Paths
Path of Vengeance: Some Ironbreakers hold their Grudges close to their heart, slowly nurturing them until they are filled with the fury of Grimnir himself. With a single-minded focus, a specialist in this path becomes more and more dangerous with every Grudge he holds, pushing himself to fight more brutally as he strives to avenge the insults that have been dealt.

Path of Stone: As stubborn and unyielding as the mountains themselves, Ironbreakers who master this path are specialists in defense and will expend every last ounce of energy protecting their sworn oath friends. Since an Ironbreaker builds up Grudges quickly when under direct attack, this mastery takes advantage of that by consuming his Grudges to fuel potent defensive abilities.

Path of Brotherhood: A specialist in this path understands the balance between camaraderie and retribution, and is a natural leader on the battleground. Alternately holding and discharging his Grudges, the master of Brotherhood serves as a shining example of the greatest of Dwarf traits, inspiring his allies to push onwards to greater heights. Equally adept at breaking the enemy line or standing his ground and holding back waves of foes, the master of this path has the ability to bolster his Oath Friend as well as himself.
Warhammer Online Leveling & Strategy Guide